Absolutely essential to the SSCP mission is engaging the community in the process and progress of the project of replacing the missing ramps at Swanage Skatepark, and bringing life back to the space.
We would like to share a quick update on what's been going on at SSCP since we revealed the public consultation survey results on our blog post (17/10/23). A lot has happened!

Update on activities:
A draft design brief was created from the survey results and sent to ramp builders so we could set a funding goal for redeveloping the skatepark. From the quotes received, we estimate the cost of ramps at 150,000-180,000. Including the costs of further resurfacing, lighting adjustments and contingencies the funding aim has been set at 225,000.
We are now a registered charity! The process of joining Swanage and Purbeck Development Trust is complete! This is fantastic, as charitable status allows us to apply to more funding sources. There were some some bureaucratic delays along the way, but we got there.
2024 started off with a wave of energy and positivity at the skatepark as we took advantage of a rare sunny January day and used the remaining ramps to film and edit a fundraising video that will be published on charity donation platforms soon!
The SSCP team met with Swanage Town Council and Swanage and Purbeck Development Trust to share updates on our progress. All parties remain committed to the aim of redeveloping the skatepark.
The team has been working really hard on making our first funding applications. We have two separate funding streams; one for the skatepark rebuild and one for events. The reality of our project is coming together and funding has begun.
Event funding progress:
December 2023: Applied for £1.5k from Dorset Council Communiy & Culture Fund - outcome pending
December 2023: Applied for £500 from the Swanage Town Council event fund - outcome pending
January 2024: Applied for £5k from #Willdoes to host a Community Day & cover our SPDT overhead costs for the year - outcome successful!
Ramp funding progress:
Q4 2023: Swanage Town Council confirmed they are holding £15k towards funding new ramps
Jan 2024: Applied for £15k from De Moulham Trust - outcome pending.
Jan 2024: Discussed access to CIL money with Swanage Town Council - outcome unsuccessful.

Next steps:
We need to apply to many more grants to be in with a chance of reaching our funding goal. This means researching possible funding streams, writing applications for each one and a lot of waiting! Because of the broad reach of our project a variety of funds with different aims are available.
We are finalising bank account access with Swanage & Purbeck Development Trust.
Once a bank account is in place, set-up a platform to receive community donations to the project: community donations show big funders just how important the project is to the town. The more important they see it is, the more they can contribute.
Organising a skatepark community event for early summer 2024. SSCP wants to put on an outreach event to give more people the opportunity to experience using the skatepark. We are planning to work with an event provider who will bring equipment, temporary ramps for a pop-up park, beginner lessons and pro-rider demos but there’s still lots to do: event licence applications, marketing and more - to make the day a success and make sure the community gets everything possible from it.
We are hoping to expand the SSCP volunteer team to help manage these tasks. If you are passionate about the skatepark and think our project is valuable to the community, please get in touch.
All the best,